Exeter New Hampshire River view
Map of New Hampshire with counties outlined

New Hampshire Community Websites

New Hampshire Community Profiles provides information on the 234 incorporated cities and towns in the State of New Hampshire. Data presented here comes from a variety of sources, including community response, published reports, and maps.

Two street signs pointing in opposite directions readying, This Way, That Way

Compare Communities

Do you want to see the details of more than one community side by side? Use this city comparison tool and have all the information you need right in front of you so you can make more informed decisions.

Legs and feet of several kids with school supplies aroung them.

New Hampshire School Information

Current information for all Schools and School Administrative Units in the State of New Hampshire including addresses, telephone numbers, administrator names and email addresses. This report includes District Public, Chartered Public, and Non Public schools.

Black, white and orange logo for AssistedLiving.org

Senior Care and Assisted Living

Changing the way we age. We are committed to improving aging adults’ quality of life by leveraging our data-driven research and expert-informed insights to inform critical decisions made by seniors, caregivers, influencers, and leaders in the senior care industry.

Black, white and green logo for memorycare.org

Memory Care in New Hampshire

Memory care facilities provide those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia with care that is tailored to their unique needs. Memory care can take place in its own facility, or as part of a designated wing of another residential care community.